Smart Growth Requires Environmental Responsibility
America's Leading Concrete Washout Provider. Your One-Stop Washout Shop

Best Practice
Concrete and Paint Washout Service
National Concrete Washout specializes in the EPA's Best Management Practice for your washout needs. A safe, reliable product and service that exceeds stormwater pollution standards, which saves our partners time and money. Our concrete washout bins have the ability to hold over 50 mixer truck washouts, and can be easily relocated throughout construction.
The concrete washout bin protects the environment from hazardous chemicals in wastewater that can have a pH level of nearly 12. These levels are the equivalent to liquid Drano and may be considered a corrosive.
• Custom washout area proposals based on the needs of the job site.
• Multiple leak-proof container options servicing different truck and job sizes.
• Paint washout bins
• Cost effective and Convenient
• Pan and Outpak options are light-weight and portable, offering easy relocation
• Keeps your jobsite clean

Containment and Disposal of Contaminated
Waste Water
Studies have found high amounts of Hexavalent Chromium in concrete washout water. This chemical has been known to cause cancer. The use of concrete washout containers significantly decreases the risk of environmental contamination.
National Concrete Washout will pump the water from the container while it is on your site. This will allow you to keep working with little or no interruption in your work schedule. The water will then be taken to an approved water treatment facility.
Slurry Removal
Many industrial worksites produce slurry, a byproduct of polishing concrete floors, concrete piling drilling, and concrete cutting. Slurry is very dangerous and can contaminate ground and water sources. NCW will work with you to provide proper management and disposal of worksite slurry waste.

NATIONAL CONCRETE WASHOUT provides a reliable product and service that exceeds most local and federal environmental best management practices. Your NCW partnership provides exceptional customer service, and works alongside your project manager to ensure all aspects of washout are handled quickly and professionally.
NCW washout bins are 100% sealed and provide a conscious effort to help protect the environment from the hazardous chemicals found in concrete. This solution ensures support from local permitting authorities, environmental organizations, and local residents that surround onsite washout areas. NCW offers safe transfer of the contaminated concrete waste water and concrete solid products from your site to a designated processing plant. All of the concrete is recycled and the contaminated water is properly disposed.
NCW washout bins are cost effective, with the ability to hold over 50 mixer and pump truck washouts per bin swap.A partnership with NCW replaces your onsite labor costs for washout area maintenance, crushing and loading of ground concrete into a separate location, and the cost of a separate garbage bin for dried ground materials. We are your one-stop-shop to pump, swap, and move your washout bin throughout the complete development process.
In addition you may qualify for points or credits under the USGBC’s LEED program (i.e.: MR 2.1/MR 2.2) or other Green Building programs when using our products and service.
Tell us about your job site and we will suggest a wide variety of container options that will fit your needs. You can use these containers for all of your concrete, slurry and stucco washout, as well as providing paint washout containment options.
Customer service is our top priority, with bins being placed at your specified job site in a professional and timely manner. We drop, pump, pick up, dump and recycle for you. Over 97% of our service is same day, with a 100% guarantee of next day service if needed. With our product you won’t have to spend time containing concrete spills, or digging and repairing costly pits that don’t contain the contaminated water.
We look forward to doing business with you, and thanks for making a conscious effort to contain your site washout. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions or to confirm service.

Utilizing a proper washout containment system ensures that groundwater, soil, and storm drains are kept free from toxic chemicals.

Washout water contains toxic metals, having a pH near 12. Drano has a pH of 13.5. Polluted rainwater will alter the soil chemistry, kill wildlife, inhibit plant growth, and contaminate groundwater.

We cannot afford to pollute this critical resource. Washout bins are a simple solution.

It is our duty to ensure the environment is safe for our children's children.
Year Established
Projects Completed
Satisfied Partners
LEED Contributions

NCW has offices in Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California. For any job inquiries or questions, please contact us directly or submit the following form and we will contact you ASAP.
National & Atlantic Concrete Washout
National HQ
Orlando, Florida
Direct: 407-737-1140
Donnalyn Ginther CFO Administration & Finance
Email: donnag@acwncw.com
Atlantic Division - Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
Phone: 877-4-WASHOUT
Direct: Amy Butikofer – Sales 407-859-5858
Email: amyb@acwncw.com
Atlantic Division - Western Florida
Tampa, Florida
Phone: 877-4-WASHOUT
Direct: Wayne Hutchins – Sales 352-345-9502
Email: wayneh@acwncw.com
Atlantic Division - Miami
Miami, Florida
Phone: 877-4-WASHOUT
Direct: Richard Pardo VP 305-592-8226
Email: richardp@acwncw.com
California Division
Southern California
Phone: 866-4-WASHOUT
Direct: 909-874-5506
Mindy Jones Western Regional Manager
Email: mindyj@acwncw.com
Texas Division
Central Texas & Surrounding Areas
Phone: 877-4-WASHOUT
Direct: Kevin Armes GM 512-210-4827
Email: Kevina@acwncw.com
Arizona Division
Phoenix & All Surrounding Areas
Phone: 877-4-WASHOUT
Direct: Pat Olinger - GM 602-499-0786
Email: pato@acwncw.com
To apply for a job with National Concrete Washout, please send a cover letter together with your Resume to: donnag@acwncw.com